This is open to anyone who is in the All Canadian Elite Club. Once you have received your confirmation that you are in the Elite Club you can now enter the Rock Star Contest. Once you enter the Rock Star Contest that also gets you a gold star towards the ALL CANADIAN GOLD STAR TEAM –You need 3 gold stars to be on the GOLD STAR TEAM !!
Every Rock Star has fans, how many fans do you have? How many fans determine how big of a Rock Star you are. We can provide you with tickets with your name on them, or you can create your own tickets customized and maybe you might want to attach your autograph for your fans or your picture or tape a lollipop on your ticket. You can be as creative as you want. You sell the tickets to your fans at $2.00 each..If you sell
25 tickets that makes you a MINI ROCK STAR and you will receive a 3” Rock Star tiara !!
50 tickets that makes you a SUPER ROCK STAR and you will received 5” Rock Star tiara
75 tickets that makes you a MEGA ROCK STAR and you will receive a 10” ROCK STAR tiara and rhinestone pin for your sash
100 tickets that makes you a CELEBRITY ONE IN A MILLION ROCK STAR an you will receive a 10″ ROCK STAR tiara, a custom rhinestone sash with your name on it and your choice of color and a light up trophy.
200 tickets that makes you an OUT OF THIS WORLD ROCK STAR and a star in the universe will be named after you!!! We will provide you with the official NASA certificate that shows the location of your star and the launch date that we will all celebrate !!! Plus 10″ tiara too !!
Your picture and the title you have won will be featured on this page if you would like to send us a picture of you and your winnings after you receive them.
*BOYS: We will design special packages and we will do bigger trophies and prizes instead of the 10″ tiaras for you
Simply fill out the form below and submit, then we will know you are working towards your Rock Star Title. Then email us at: missallcanadian@msn.com and we will provide you with personalized tickets or feel free to make your own .Sell your tickets and then let us know when you are all done seeing your fans! Once you have completed selling tickets you can send the total to missallcanadian@msn.com by bank etransfer or by paypal. Deadline is November 1st, 2017